Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Iver, Cantlopes and Sprinklers

Nice day out, so we took a walk to the greenhouse to see what we can see. We knew that after one day, there would be nothing growing, but what the heck.

E had a chance to plant his cantaloupe, but upon checking we saw that he watered too hard and the seeds floated out of their pots. These were pushed back down in the afternoon. Hope we get a good crop of these, would be nice to have some early season melons.

The class will need to figure out how to build some trellises for plants to grow upon. These will be needed for the aforementioned cantaloupe, watermelon, and some bean plants S planted. First we have to see if they will grow.

I gave the students a demonstration of the sprinkler system, they wanted to be sure their plants were getting water. The sprinklers are set to turn on every three days for a half hour. All the plants were watered, so that is a good thing.

Looking into getting the drip pipes set up for hanging baskets, it would be nice to get some started.
The drippers hang above the bench

We have a small supply of spider plant cuttings and some other things which would work.

Had two small poinsettias donated, they  were watered and put on the bench.

We planted some cuttings of "Iver" a plant from my great grandfather's house. It is a climbing plant that works well in hanging baskets. Put some in soil and some in the aquaponic system.

Speaking of aquaponics, I need to get a picture of the fish.-Took this picture then next day.

Another to-do is to dig out the old pipe hydroponic system and see if we can set it up. It will need a pump, but they are not that expensive.

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